Specialized Transport - Jacksonville Heavy Hauling
Specialized Transport
Transport Services
ALLEN'S Towing Service's specialized transport service and Jacksonville heavy haul division operates throughout the United States, primarily in the Southeast. We network with freight brokers and other service providers as well, providing superior, timely service to our customers. We move various types of freight such as forklifts, manlifts, scaffolding, barrier walls, heavy equipment, portable power and other unique customer requests (see photos below). We safely handle loads from pick-up truck size
up to 160,000 lbs.
Military Jet Transport
Low boy with front end loader
Low boy
Low boy with excavator
Landoll with barrier walls
Call ALLEN'S today:904-398-2330-2954 Philips Highway Jacksonville, FL 32207 Jacksonville Towing, Towing Jacksonville, Heavy Duty, Light Duty, Wrecker Service,Crane Service, Tow Truck Crane, Towing in Jacksonville, Motorcycle Towing, Heavy Wrecker, Jacksonville, Jacksonville Florida, Saint Augustine, Arlington, Southside, Jacksonville Beach, Westside, Mandarin, Ponte Vedra